

Sonoma County

On a ranch in the hills of Sonoma County, California, Lynn Peterson faces unexpected and dangerous consequences when she decides to hide an undocumented female vineyard worker from her abusive supervisor and expose his illegal enterprise….Read Mor


David Hudson’s Through the Grapevine is a page-turner that couldn’t be more timely. It’s about a woman, living in California wine country, who finds herself caught up in the immigration crisis, sheltering “illegals” and fleeing from gang-bangers. Her plight is entirely believable, thanks to Hudson’s deep understanding of how we make, or don’t make, our moral choices, and so is the novel’s northern California landscape, which he evokes with care and precision. The book is that great rarity–a thriller that also makes you think.”

Charles McGrath, former editor of the New York Times Book Review.

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The Author

Fifteen years ago a mentor encouraged me to write. My early writing took the form of what author Nan Phifer calls “Memoir of the Soul” or spiritual autobiography. I revisited the events and relationships of my life for meaning, wrote about them, and shared them. I read Ralph Waldo Emerson, Alfred North Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne and other Process Theologians, Richard Rohr and other modern thinkers, keen on understanding the concepts of the True Self and intuitive access to wisdom.

I shared my learnings with my Unitarian Universalist congregation in Roswell, Georgia. And several years ago I took to fiction to explore the manifold ways in which we become fully human. Through the Grapevine is such an effort.

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Through the Grapevine